"Sailor S"
"Truth Revealed"
Episode 26

Robyn [yawning and walking out to the hallway, seeing Bay rush into the bathroom ahead of her and slam the door]
She's so good at beating me...

If you'll be up for a while... can you feed me?

Robyn [half awake, glares at the cat]
You have this obsession with eating don't you...

Aphrodite [thinks]
Not really... just with being fed...

Oh I give up... [hears odd sounds from the bathroom] Is she ok? [goes over and listens] Hmm... she sounds sick... I think it was that triple chili dog and nachos she wolfed down last night...

She followed that up with two banana splits at the Ice Cream parlor with Serena and Mina last night...

No wonder she's sick! What's got her eating so much! This is too much even for Bay...

Yeah, usually, she can eat the other half of a buffet that Serena couldn't finish...

And not get sick or gain a pound... I know... [hears her turn on the water in the sink] Let's get out of the way, Aph... C'mon, I'll feed you if you want...

Aphrodite [grinning]
Ok! I want a bowl of OJ and some toast!

You keep trying to have excuses to take her locket don't you!?

Aphrodite [shrugs]
Maybe... Right now, I want a break from cat food for once!

Maybe I should give that breakfast to Bay...?

* * *
Robyn [makes the requested breakfast and doubles it, giving Aph one and taking a small tray up to Bay's room]
Bay? [knocks and finds the door ajar and the light on] Bay...? I made you something to settle your stomach...

Bay [sitting up]
Ugh... How did you know I...?

Robyn [smiles]
I heard you... maybe you shouldn't eat so much at one sitting... here... [puts the tray on her bed]

Bay [grumbling]
This isn't enough to feed a cat!

Actually, Aph requested this one today... I made her the same thing... Come on... when you're done, I'll make an appointment with your doctor for-

Bay [her eyes widen and she interrupts Robyn]
No! I'll be fine... I don't need to see a doctor, Rob!

Robyn [confused]
Bay... If you're sick, you need to see one!

I... I'm fine, Rob... I don't... need one! I never get sick... It's probably just like you said! I ate something that didn't agree with me!

I said you ate too much, Bay...

Same difference! Look! I don't ha- ah.. need a doctor, ok!?

Robyn [sits down carefully]
Did you say you don't have one?

No, I said I didn't need one, Robyn...

No, you were going to say you don't have one... Why not!? You think being a Sailor Scout makes you invincible to illness?

Bay [grumbles]
No... I just don't have one... [Robyn looks at her as if not believing her] Well... Ok, I HAD one...but I can't exactly see him again... after all it was BRAD'S doctor...not mine.

Robyn [realizing]
Oh... Well... can't you just find another one?

Where would they send for records? It's not like they'd find any on a Bay Smith, Rob...

Some of my records got lost in the move... most actually... I have very few School records... and that's it.

Bay [glares]
I'm going to look into that!

Go ahead... but you're seeing a doctor!

I gotta learn to keep my big trap shut! [munches on the toast and sips the OJ]

Robyn [leaving]
If you'd do that...you wouldn't eat so much, I'm sure!

Oh, shut up! [Robyn giggled and left]

* * *
[later, after school, Robyn came home to Bay, sleeping on the couch]

Robyn [smiling, hanging up her coat and taking off her shoes]
I hate those school shoes... humph. Bay? How'd you enjoy your sick day?

I'm starving! She's been in the bathroom and somewhere asleep all day..

You over eat and you're going to get sick too! She should have been up already though... her appointment at the hospital is in a half an hour.

You never told me why it's at the hospital, Robyn...

The Outpatient Clinic is the only one that'd take her right now.

Don't you think they'll look at you guys odd upon realizing the last "Bay Smith" that was there... DIED?

Robyn [thinks]
We'll just have to tell them it was a mistaken identity or something... Wonder why Bay didn't remember that? [shakes her head and heads to the stairs] Go get her up, I'm changing out of this uniform... Serena got her fruit punch on me again today...

That's four skirts this week! She needs a Sippy Cup or something!

Robyn [giggles and heads up]
Tell me about it!

Aphrodite [patting Bay's head]
Hey, Sleepy Head! Time to get up now!

Bay [mumbled]
Leave me alone, I don't feel good, Mom!

Aphrodite [giggles]
If she keeps this up, I'll get to take her locket!

Bay [more awake than before]
Forget it, Furrball... Is Rob home yet?

She's upstairs changing out of a Fruit Punch-stained skirt again...

Bay [sitting up]
Serena needs a bottle!

Well, I said Sippy Cup... but same difference...

Robyn [straightening her t-shirt as she hurried downstairs in it and jeans]
Good! You're up! We have to leave if we're going to make it on time, Bay.

I still would rather just let this work it's way... [she stops and looks funny, then hurries past Robyn to the bathroom upstairs]

Aph, you'll be good while we're gone, right?

Aphrodite [sits on her back paws and crosses her chest with one of her front ones]
Absolutely! [smiled]

Robyn [smirks]
Yeah right, your horns hold your halo up... I mean it... I want this place in one piece when we get back! [she goes to the front door and grabs her purple sneakers to put them on]

Bay [comes down, holding her stomach]
Ok, fine... Let's go so you'll get off my back!

Would you rather take a cab?

No... if we walk, I can run off to the side to... ah... you know...

Robyn [smirks]
Give the ground a liquid hairball?

That's MY line!

Whatever, come on! [smiles and she and Bay leave, heading to the hospital's Outpatient Clinic]

* * *
[At the hospital, Bay and Robyn sat and waited as Robyn filled out Bay's papers]

What's your complaint today? Hmm... Stomach problems... [writes it down]

Bay [glaring]
Robyn? Do you HAVE to read everything out loud?!

If I do something wrong, you can correct me...

Let's just hope they don't need us while we're here... I'd like to see you try and get us out of this!

Why me!?

You made the appointment, Rob!

Miss Smith? Dr. Kito will see you now.

May I join her?

If she'll allow it...? [looks to Bay]

Bay [stands up and nods]
Whatever... I just want to get this over with and go home before I lose what's left of that toast I ate earlier!

[the two go into a room and Dr. Kito goes over the usual questions and after a few minutes and some strange looks later, Dr. Kito hands Bay a cup]

Dr. Kito
I think you know what to do with that...I'll see you in a few moments... Drop that at the counter by the ladies room. [she smiles and leaves the room]

Bay [staring at the little cup]
I didn't think this day could get any worse... I guess I was wrong... [she leaves the room and after a few moments, returns with the worst face she could make]

You ok?

That beats what I thought was the WORST and most disgusting feeling in my life, Rob... Why did she need me to do that anyway? I have a stomach flu, I'm sure of it...

You know Doctors... Gotta be thorough... Anyway, let's just wait for her, ok?

Thorough my butt. I think she's just trying to keep me here longer then I need to be.

Robyn [smirks]
Yeah, right...

Dr. Kito [knocks and enters the room]
Miss Smith? I have my results back... I was right on my hunch...

Hunch? [looks to Bay]

Dr. Kito
Yes. Miss Smith... Have you... been... seeing anyone recently?

Well, Robyn and I live in the same house together. And I go too school. Why?

Dr. Kito
That's not what I meant, Miss Smith...

I know I'm gonna get hit for this but she's asking if you have a boyfriend, Bay...

Boyfriend? What? [Shaking her head] Why would I have one of those?

Robyn [lowered voice]
I'm not sure I want to know where this is going....

Dr. Kito
Bay... I don't know any other way to put this... I'll just have to come out and say it...

I have a bad feeling about this, Bay...

So do I... but shut up.

Dr. Kito [looks at the chart, then tot he two girls]
Miss Smith? You're 2 and a half months pregnant...

Robyn [as Dr. Kito looks down, she hears a thump and, in a surprising voice]

Dr. Kito
I take it this isn't welcome news?

I'm what? [Bay faints]

* * *
[Doctor waking Bay up with salts]

Bay... Wake up...

I had the strangest dream. That she said I was pregnant.

She did...

Then that would... [faints again]

* * *
[Doctor waking Bay up with salts]

Don't faint again Bay!

Bay [looking around]
She's serious? Recheck that sample. You had to have gotten them switched or something.

Robyn [seriously]
I saw your chart, Bay... and I know she's right... [looks almost sorry] Don't make us use another smelling salts... after five they start charging... [trying to make her smile]

Bay [sternly]
I can't be. I mean that requires certain things, and stuff, that I didn't do!

Robyn [her hand on Bay's shoulder]
Bay...we'll talk about it at home... I have a thought... you go sit in the waiting room, Bay... I'll be out in a minute.

Yeah... waiting... [she blankly walks out, in a state of utter confusion]

Dr. Kito
What's wrong with her? I know she's young, but...

Miss Kito? Bay doesn't remember a lot about that night 2 and a half months ago... It wasn't a good date... and she never saw that guy again... she-

Dr. Kito
You know she can get him in trouble-

{"Oh crap."} [looks to the door, plotting an escape... if need be. Her communicator beeps just in time] Oh, crap! My alarm just beeped. Miss... er, Dr. Kito, I really have to go, I'll talk to Bay. Thanks! [she started to the door, Dr. Kito handed her a prescription and told her what it was for as she left]

* * *
Bay [kind of half out of it in the waiting room]
I can't be... It's impossible... I mean...

[Sees Robyn run in]

Bay [To Robyn]
You know she's lying!

No, I don't think she is... we gotta get moving... we're needed... oh, here's a script for some stomach medication. She said it'll help with your Morning Sickness. [hands a slip of paper to Bay]

I'm not pregnant. Where do we have to go?

You're really out of it... you didn't hear the communicator beep?

Bay [looking at hers as it was beeping]
I guess not... [Stands up] We better go then.

I think you should go home and lay down... that stuff she gave you earlier settle your stomach any?

Amy [on the communicator]
You guys there? We kind of need to talk to you! There's a... little problem.

I'll be fine. [To the communicator] We'll be right there.

Whatever you say... But I know how you got pregnant, Bay... [she takes off out the hospital doors, heading toward the signal on her communicator]

Well, I know too. I didn't.

* * *
[a few blocks away, Bay catches up to Robyn and stops her]

Bay [confused]
I'm a little curious now... What do you mean?

It's not your fault! It wasn't you who did it. Berry did... She got herself into this mess and when we switched you two, you ended up with it. Yet another reason to want to destroy Phoenix... no?


I know, you still say you're not... I agree... YOU'RE not... She was, though... Now I think we should tell the others, Bay... they have a right to know...

Bay [stopping]
No! Definitely not! I'm not telling anyone. And neither are you.

Robyn [smirking]
What are you gonna do? Erase my memory? You know from experience that doesn't work... Why shouldn't they know? They'll help us-

Hey! What's up with you two?

Bay [whispering]
Not 'til I'm sure.

Whatever... [looks to Lita] We were on our way to this signal... You?

Same. Amy sounded worried... let's get going! [she runs ahead, Robyn chases her after waving for Bay to hurry]

Why do I have the feeling this is going to be a long day.

* * *
Amy [at the location as marked on their comms]
Guys! I'm so glad you could make it... this scene look a little odd to you? [she points to a park where no one moved... It was just the park... the surrounding area looked fine... the color seemed duller and nothing moved... no birds sang, no human breathed, no animal budged...]

Giant painting?

Wait! It gets better! [she picks up a nearby rock and tosses it into the park boundary. The moment it crossed the line, it froze]

Ok, so we don't go past that line... and we keep moving...

Are those people and animals still alive?

According to my scan yes... just frozen in a moment in time. Like that rock. it's frozen in the moment it crossed the park boundary line...

What's causing this effect Amy?

Phoenix steals Scout powers. Why would she want to do this?

To get us here to steal our powers? Who knows how a nut's mind works... [quick flashback to the weird dream she'd had the other night] Ah...nevermind... [blushes slightly, glancing at Amy]

Well, it's pretty strange.

Do you think it could be a new enemy altogether?

At this point in time? What moron in their right mind hops in before we knock off our main bad guy?

You're starting to make this sound like some TV Show...

Like that could happen!

I'm scared. I don't want to go into that thing.

Robyn [sighs]
Do we have any other choices? Amy? Is this Phoenix's energy? Or what?

Amy [tapping]
I can't get any energy reading... it's like it's not there... but I know it is... we all see it... right? When something goes in, it doesn't come out...so far, 8 people have entered and I haven't read them coming out... but they're not dead... it's weird.

I thought they would be frozen like the rock.

That's the strange part... if they were frozen, I shouldn't get a reading... or get one that tells me that... but it's like they're just floating there....

If we went in there, wouldn't we be frozen too?

[a shadowy figure hid behind a nearby tree]

That's right, Sailors, stand there like dolts! You're so pathetic! This'll be like taking candy from a baby! Or at least some stupid kids! [it points a finger towards the group, aiming and a ball of light flies from it's fingertip, blasting the ground by Robyn, Serena, Lita and Mina. Rei, Bay, and Amy are left outside, while those four get tossed into the park, and end up on the ground, but until they hit it, they hadn't frozen... Upon impact, they froze in their positions, looking unconscious] Not like I'd planned...but 4 down, 3 to go! with them in there, I'll have no trouble taking their powers!

* * *
Robyn [stands up]
Where are we?

Here's a guess.... Wonderland?

That'd explain the rabbit... [points to Serena, Lita and Mina snickering]

Serena [looking around]

Nevermind...where are the others?

Robyn [looks to see no sign of the other three. She sees no sign of any kind of familiar territory, nor does she see any signs of an explosion]
Ok, if there's no marks that prove we were blown here... are we dead?

My guess'd be no.

If not, then I agree with Robyn in asking... Where are we then?

* * *
Serena? Lita?

Robyn? Mina? They were-

Bay [points]
They're in the park?!

Oh no.

Amy, can they survive in there?

All the others have... I just know they can't move...

* * *
[after walking around for a little, the four inside the park finally sit down on the ground]

We're lost! I wanna go home!

We're not lost, Serena... if we are, there are plenty of other people to tell us where we are... look! [points around to a lot of other people... that seem to be wandering around like they were] Ok, maybe we're all lost in one place?

Maybe we should just try to find the others.

You think they're here too?

Well, they have to be somewhere.

Then let's go! Amy can tell us where we are!

Or at least where we aren't...


Forget it, Mina...let's just see if we can find them... [looks up] Is it just me or is it getting dark a little early?

* * *
[After walking 'til it was completely dark, it seemed they'd gotten themselves lost and Robyn and Serena both plopped down onto the grass and pouted]

What's the matter, guys?

I'm tired!

And hungry!

Mina [joining the two on the grass]
And I wanna go home!

Lita [flatly]
We're lost and I'm stuck with the Three Stooges...

Mina, Serena, and Robyn

We can't just quit! Ok, so it's dark... we haven't been gone all that long, guys!

Can we at least find some food?!

Wonder what time it is?

[a voice from behind them made them stand up quickly]

It's time to hand over your powers to me! Or you'll never leave this place!

[the four looked at her, as if to say "Yeah, Right." Mina and Robyn looked to each other for a moment, then they looked to Phoenix.]

Why don't you just give up! You know... This is getting old...

Robyn [nods]
Old hat, Phoenix... Just quit now and retire!

Yeah! Stop buggin' us!

Nuku [appears behind them]
You're on our turf and on our terms. We get what we want here and no one dares to stop us. [she formed a triangle with her hands and looked to the girls] Phoenix Flare! [a bird shaped fireball flew at the four as Lita and Serena leapt one way and Mina and Robyn dove the other. The attack narrowly missed toasting Phoenix as Nuku got a glare from her and the four girls held their transformation items.]

Jupiter Star Power!

Venus Star Power!

Shadow Pendant Power!

Moon Crystal Power!

[as each began transforming, Jupiter and Moon's transformations failed and they stood there in their finishing poses as Lita and Serena instead of Jupiter and Moon... Shadow and Venus were transformed, however...]

Lita [blinks]
It didn't work? How could it not work?! Something's not right here... Who's writing this script?!

Serena [confused, taps her brooch]
Is this thing broken?

Sailor Shadow
You didn't transform?

Sailor Venus

If I knew, would I have asked?!

[Nuku wore Jupiter's costume and Phoenix wore Moon's, but she didn't have the Moon Brooch instead, she had a red jewel...]

Sailor Venus
Oh crap... look!

[Lita and Serena were confused as to why they didn't feel weak or had passed out since Shadow and Astid had when Phoenix took their powers...]

Do I want to know why I'm not on the ground zonked out?

This is just too much... [she faints]

Forget it.

Sailor Venus
I'm a little curious myself... [suddenly, the surroundings disappeared and so did Lita and Serena. Shadow and Venus looked around and saw themselves unconscious on the ground, beside Lita and Serena. None of them were transformed, however.]

Sailor Shadow
Are we dead? Or dreaming?

Sailor Venus
What do I look like? A GM or Amy?

Sailor Shadow
Chill, Venus... [turns] Look! It's Bay!

Lita [coming to]
What...What happened? one minute, I'm trying to transform, and the next, I'm waking up on the sidewalk in the park...

[the rock Amy had thrown earlier, had finished its path and slammed into Serena, waking her up too.]

Oooww! No one has to throw things at me! I'm up! I'm up! [she sits up and sees Robyn and Mina aren't waking up]

What's the matter with you guys? You ok?

Amy [scanning with her Mercury computer]
All four of them are missing their Sailor Scout energies... the signatures are all rearranged...

Do you think it was Phoenix and Nuku?

Maybe... but why all four of them... she only took two before...

Lita [flatly]
And that was Serena and me... That's what happened then... that's why we didn't transform...

What?! When?

Serena [holding her side where the rock had hit her]
About a minute ago. We were all trying to transform to fight Nuku and Phoenix... we didn't, but Robyn and Mina had managed to... Nuku had on Lita's costume... but Phoenix was wearing mine... [blinks] Eww! How can I clean it?!

Bay [thinking about a few things]
{"She'd already taken Robyn, Mina's and Rei's... That only left me, Lita, Serena and Amy... but what happened? and Why isn't Robyn or Mina waking up?"}

Well, you all read the same... maybe she took Robyn and Mina's when she took yours?

No, we saw them transform... they finished... we didn't... what happened?!

Sailor Shadow
I want to know the same thing... [she walked over and touched Lita, but her hand went through her] Crap...

Sailor Venus
Maybe we are dead...

Sailor Shadow
No... Amy would have said that... she scanned us... [looks to Amy] Use your visor! Maybe you can see us! [sighs and smacks herself] What am I thinking... she can't hear us...

I feel something around here... Amy... scan the area with your visor... I have a feeling.

Sailor Shadow
Do you think Rei heard me?

Sailor Venus
No... I think it was more a feeling...you know how Rei is...?

Amy [scans and sees two silhouettes standing by Lita, she types on her Mercury Computer]
This is impossible?! [she sounded unsure of herself]

What is, Amy?

These readings... over by Lita... two Sailor Scout energies... Shadow and Venus's signatures...

Sailors Shadow and Venus

Amy [as if hearing them, even though she hadn't]
It's like their powers were separated from them into a form all its own... but from that separation, some of their life energy was drained... Apparently, if Nuku and Phoenix took your powers, Lita, you were severed from that tie. However, I can't tell how to get any of your powers back to you... [her Computer beeps a few times, in an odd tone] Oh no... Robyn and Mina's signals are... weakening... slowly... the longer the Scout energy stays there, [she points by Lita] the greater the chance... [she trailed off, everyone seemed to know how she'd finish that sentence... everyone but Serena...]

Serena [confused]
They'll what?

Bay [angrily]
They'll DIE, Serena! [she glared and looked away from everyone, staring at Robyn]

Sailor Shadow
No... [she ran over to her body and attempted get back into it, but she was still separate. She sat up, then laid down, then sat up] WORK, dammit! [she looked hysterical]

Sailor Venus [came over to her]
Amy'll find something, I know she will...

Sailor Shadow [looked to Bay and saw what she was sure was a tear in her eye]
Bay... [she reached to touch Bay's shoulder, but went through it] Damnit... [she slammed her fist onto the sidewalk, and it hurt] OW!

Sailor Venus

Sailor Shadow [looks to see her glove was slightly ripped from the cement]
That hurt...?

Sailor Venus
I'll assume if we get hit with a brick...that'll hurt too?

Sailor Shadow [angrily]
This isn't a joke, Mina! We could end up like this forever! Don't you get it?!

Sailor Venus
I know that, Robyn... but what are we going to do? Keep banging our hands and other body parts on the sidewalk?

Bay [holding back from just letting go and bawling]
{"Why do you do this to me so often, Robyn?! And why is it bugging me so much?!"}

Sailor Shadow [looked to Bay]
I'm sorry, Bay... I wish I could fix this...

Sailor Venus
Why are you sorry? Fix what?

Sailor Shadow
What she just said, Mina...

Sailor Venus
She didn't say anything...

Sailor Shadow
Now I'm hearing voices... great...

* * *
[after a hard trip of attempting to keep up with Bay and the others, without getting hit by cars or running into buildings, they make it Robyn and Bay's house. Lita and Serena are tired and rest as Robyn and Mina are put into the beds upstairs. Robyn is put in her own, and Bay gives up hers for Mina. Amy promised to monitor them if the others would go look for Phoenix and Nuku.]

Bay [angrily]
And HOW are we supposed to do that? Go outside and yell for them, hoping they'll pop in?! [a scream from downstairs] Nevermind... [she runs down and sees Serena on the coffee table freaking as Luna chases something. Aphrodite and Artemis were with their respective owners.] WHAT are you doing?

Serena [pointing, freaking]

Bay [not getting it]

It's a MOUSE, Bay!

I got it! [she pounces under the couch and they all hear a lot of noise and growling]

You better not be destroying the underside of my couch, Luna!

[Luna comes out, carrying a dead mouse hanging from her mouth by its tail. Serena passes out, falling from the coffee table onto the floor, out cold]

Lita [looking a little tired]
Shouldn't we try to figure out a way to get Robyn and Mina's Scout Powers back to the them?

Amy [checking on Serena]
I still don't have any ideas or theories on how to reunite them... my readings show apparently their Scout Energies have taken on forms of their own... Like another body. They followed us home.

You mean like ghosts?

Well... it's a better explanation than ghosts, Lita... Ghosts don't exist! [she looked to the kitchen where Aph had run into and as she came out, she thought she saw a shadowy figure behind her for a moment... Then a glass vase of Robyn's got knocked off the coffee table from the middle.] But you're saying that they're here... It's... more feasible then saying they're ghosts... [she still didn't know how the vase was moved...]

Amy [taking out her computer]
That's odd...

What is? [watching Aphrodite seemingly happier bouncing upstairs] {"That cat is NOT right..."}

It's like the Scout Energies are taking on lives of their own... completely separating from Robyn and Mina.

Tell me that's not a bad thing... That we can reverse it... [Amy didn't look up and stayed silent] Amy...?

We're leaving. [she looks to Rei, angrily] NOW! [she headed outside in a rush]

Rei [looking sad]
Bay... [she followed]

I should help them locate Phoenix and Nuku... Lita... Promise to keep an eye on Robyn and Mina?

Lita [nodded]
I promise, Amy. [as Amy headed after Rei and Bay] Suggestion? [Amy turned her head and stopped] Sailor Teleport if you can... [Amy smiled and nodded. She left and Lita heard power calls from outside] I hope this works... [she looked to Serena, who was sitting up, holding her head] Morning, Serena....

Did Bay hit me? OR was it Rei?

Lita [smirking]
You fell from the coffee table, Serena...

* * *
Sailor Sun
You said you knew of a way to find them, Amy!

Sailor Mercury
I took a reading from Serena's brooch. I have a trace on Serena's powers and I can track them to Phoenix. [she tapped her computer and a beam shot from it, hitting all three of them and forming a black vortex in the center.] That would be the first time my Computer ever took it upon itself to create a vortex...

Sailor Shadow [by Mercury]
If she only know... right, Mina?

Sailor Venus
And why are we following them again?

Sailor Shadow
What are we going to do at home? Wallow in self pity because we're helpless to solve our problem? You heard Amy! We're just our powers... Technically, we don't exist on our own...

Sailor Venus
You have a point...

[they hurried after the other three through the vortex before it closed]

* * *
[in the Negaverse's Throne Room, Phoenix sat with Sailor Moon's costume, tugging at the red jewel]

I thought Sailor Moon had that brooch with a power crystal in it!?

That's why you can't use Moon's powers, Idiot! [she shot off lightning bolt into nowhere] Unlike me!

Sailor Shadow
That's why Serena's not feeling any weaker! Phoenix can't use her powers without the Silver Crystal!

Sailor Mercury
You can never use Sailor Moon's powers! Unless you can control the Silver Crystal and you'll never get it so long as the Sailor Scouts are here!

Sailor Shadow
Didn't I just say that!?

Sailor Venus
They can't hear us, remember?

Sailor Shadow [nodding]
Oh yeah right...

Sailor Sun
I'm not waiting around and I'm not saying any dumb speeches! Give up Phoenix...

Sailor Shadow
I think that qualifies as a speech Bay... [snicker]

Get burnt! [she shoots another thunderbolt and they dodge, but it goes through Shadow and Venus] Hey! Why didn't it affect you two?!

[the three scouts looked at each other, then Nuku]

Sailor Sun
I don't think you can count... there's three of us!

No, there's five! Those two...the redheaded one that wears purple and the blonde that wears orange!

Sailor Mars

Sailor Sun

Sailor Mercury
They followed us...

Sailor Sun [gets up and dives at Nuku, dodging one of the Thunderbolts she threw]
Put everything back the way it WAS! If not, I'll kill you anyway!

Nuku [leaps over Sun, causing her to land on the floor]
Never! I like things the way they are!

Sailor Sun [standing up]
This is going to get... [Sun lurches forward, and makes a liquid hairball on the ground]

Sailor Mars
Sun, are you ok?

Sailor Sun
I'll be... [barfs again]

Sailor Mars [finishing Sun's original thought...?]
This is gonna get gross....

Sailor Mercury
But... if they followed us... we may not be able to...

Sailor Mars
Don't! [Mercury looks at her] Don't.... Mercury... Just....don't...

Sailor Venus
What is she talking about?

Sailor Shadow [sadly]
Nothing, Mina...

Nuku [looking at Sailor Sun]
What a perfect target... Jupiter Thunder...

[She attacks hits Bay as she's hurling]

Sailor Shadow
NO! I wish there was something we could do!

Sailor Mercury
Mercury Ice Storm BLAST! [she stops the lighting attack and also manages to trap Nuku's feet in an ice block!]

Sailor Venus
GO AMY! [smiling]

Sailor Shadow
I knew they'd do it... But... I don't feel so good...

Sailor Venus looks at herself]
You know...for being a ghost or whatever... I don't feel so good either...

Sailor Shadow
Not a ghost...we're just the... um... how did Amy put it... "Spiritual embodiment of our Sailor Powers..."?

Sailor Venus
I still don't feel good...

Sailor Shadow [points]

Sailor Venus [looks at her hands as they fade in and out for a second]

Sailor Mercury [looking at her computer]
Guys? We have to hurry... being here instead of with their bodies has hastened their separations... their Life Energies are going down...faster... we have to finish here quickly!

Sailor Sun [looking queasy]
We should get them back to there... [Sun fell down]

Nuku [laughing]
I didn't even need to hit her.

Sailor Shadow
No! Bay

Nuku [looking at Shadow]

Sailor Mars
Mercury, get Sun, Shadow and Venus back to safety. I'll have to get Nuku and Phoenix .

Sailor Mercury
We can't leave you.

Sailor Mars
Your the only one that knows where they are. I can't see them.

Sailor Venus [pointing to Sailor Sun who seemed to be glowing]
Look Shadow.

Sailor Shadow
What, why doesn't Mercury see what's going on with her?

Sailor Venus
I don't think they can see Sun's glow.

Sailor Shadow
Then... what are WE seeing?!

Sailor Venus
More importantly? Why can't Rei see it?!

Sailor Mars [To Mercury]
Mercury, go...

Mercury [heading towards Bay]
Be careful mars.

[Without warning, Sailor Sun detransformed into Bay]

Sailor Mercury [tapping her computer]
This can't be right.

Nuku [points at Bay as she looked to be on fire to Nuku, Shadow, and Venus]
What's happening to her?

Sailor Mars
What do you mean Mercury? She detransformed.

Sailor Shadow
Bay.... no..... What's going on?!

Sailor Venus [watching Bay]
Something's wrong with her...

[While Venus, Shadow and Nuku watch, a being looks like it steps out of Bay. The being wore a Sailor Sun costume, and had long blonde hair, looking like it was on fire.]

Who's that?

Sailor Mars
She's nuts.

Sailor Mercury [lifting Bay up on her back]
Shadow, Venus, where ever you are, you better come with me.

Sailor Shadow
It's... a blonde Sun?

Sailor Venus
Well... it LOOKS like that anyway......?

Nuku [watching the Sailor Figure]
What are you doing?

* * *
[Running away from the thrown room]

Sailor Venus
How can we get out of here without Sailor Mars and Sun?

[As Venus finished her sentence, the throne room collapsed, dust flying everywhere]

Sailor Mercury [looking back]
Sailor Mars!

[Sailor Shadow and Sailor Venus spun around as well]

Sailor Venus

Sailor Shadow
No.... Rei... and... that... Sailor...?

Sailor Venus

Sailor Sun [still on Mercury's Back]
Ami, I can walk you know.

Sailor Mercury [letting her down]
Sailor Mars was in there.

Sailor Venus [Watching the cloud as a figure approached from the dust]
Is that Mars?

Sailor Shadow [turns to see Sun]
Bay's transformed again, Mina...?

Sailor Venus
Then...that must be Rei...

Sailor Mars [walking out of the dust]
We better get Shadow and Venus back.

Sailor Sun
What about Jupiter and Moon?

Sailor Mars
We can't help them. I don't even know if Nuku survived in there, We better Get shadow and Venus back.

* * *
[back at the house, Serena and Lita are both sleeping in the chairs they had left them in and Shadow and Venus still follow the group]

Sailor Mars
Well... they're still ok...

Sailor Sun
So how do we get Shadow and Venus back to normal?

Sailor Shadow
I'd like to know that myself... I don't wanna stay like this forever...

Sailor Venus
we may not have to..... I don't think...this... CAN be a permanent-

Sailor Shadow [covers Mina's mouth]
Just....stop there...

I'm working on that Bay.

Bay [detransforming]
And what about Serena and Lita?

Sailor Venus [pointing at a glowing figure beside Bay]
Robyn, look.

Sailor Shadow
But... if she just detransformed... then...?

Serena [yawns and wakes up]
Morning guys... back already?

Lita [starts to stir]
They back yet, Serena?

[Sailor Figure points at Shadow's chest, like she was trying to tell them something.]

Sailor Shadow [looks to her Jewel on her bow]
All that'll do is detransform me into Robyn... and it'll become my pendant... What are you pointing to that for? [looks back] And... why am I talking to her like I knew that's what she was pointing to...? [looks confused]

Sailor Venus
Wait a second, If were just the part of us that's scouts. What would happen if we tried to detransform?

Sailor Shadow [looks to her]
Wouldn't that like... poof us? You know... poof...gone?

Sailor Venus
Us, yes, but we have to still be connected with our real selves. Or they would be walking around like Serena and Lita.

Sailor Shadow [to Venus, smirking]
Fine, Mina... If you're so trusting...you poof first!

Sailor Venus [nervous]
Alright then. [Looks at the Sailor Figure] I hope your right about this.

[Sailor Figure, nodding]

Sailor Venus [pulling on her jewel]
See you soon Robyn. [She pulled off her jewel and disappeared]

[Sailor Figure, looking at Shadow]

Sailor Shadow
How can I haunt you if I don't make this... [grumbles, looks to Bay, then the others... before touching her jewel] If you're wrong...may I have the chance to find a way and make you pay for finishing what Nuku and Phoenix started... [she pulled her jewel... it became her pendant in her hands and she closed her eyes...]

Amy [hears her Computer beep]
Oh no! [looks at the screen after pulling it out]


Amy [shows her the screen]
The readings on the Scout Powers...they're...

Bay [confused]
Gone...? But they followed us home...right?

As far as I know...yes...

What does that mean?

Amy [tapping her computer]
Shoot, I know how to bring them back... they just have to detransform.

Mina [leaning up against the railing at the top of the stairs]
I have a headache.

You got up fast... [blinks] Mina? Then... is Robyn up too?

Mina [heading down the stairs, slowly]
I don't know... I heard you guys and got up... I was in your bed... how did I get there again? I seem to have forgotten who dragged me here...

Well, don't get use to it. I plan on sleeping tonight.

Lita [Checking her power Pen]
Hey, I have my powers back.

Serena [checking her brooch]
Me too.

Then...it's just...Robyn left...?

Robyn [looking over the railing upstairs as Mina had a moment ago, but not looking as tired... more... either...disgusted or angry]
Why am I always the last one...?

What's wrong, Robyn?

Robyn [turns and heads to the stairs]
Nothing... [at the bottom, she hesitates looking over to Bay, seeing a slight outline] It's still there, Mina... I gues...it's waiting... [everyone looks at her strangely...but she continues] Thank you... whoever... you are... I was wrong to yell at you like I did...

What are you talking about Robyn?

Mina [turns]
Oh yeah... She did tell us how to get back... Thanks... wherever... and whoever... you are... [trails off]

I think they lost it... I don't feel anything here...?

Robyn [sees what she thinks is the same girl, smile and vanish]
Bye... but... I have a feeling...we'll see her again... someday...

Who do we sign into the nut house first though.

Robyn [looks at Bay and flatly comments]

Oh, thanks a... a... [Bay rushes up to the bath room covering her mouth]

Maybe Bay should see a doctor. She's been doing that a lot lately.

She...did that already, Rei....

Will she be ok?

It's just a stomach flu... she'll be ok in time...
