Sailor Sun
Episode Three
"What, Where, Who?", Chapter One

* * *
[Sailor Sun sits in alley, one she's visited many times before, for the past 3 days she's slept in the same spot. A clothing story beside that alley though-out a old leather jacket, the interior was ripped up, but the outside look good, it only needed a washing. She's worn this jacket everyday. Hiding her sailor costume (still unable to get it off). The jacket extended down just far enough to cover her skirt when she wore it, she also got hold of a baseball cap she uses to cover her terara, but the white gloves and the yellow shoes didn't help. At this time of night, she tried to avoid the street, the drunks and the police would keep bothering her. In her jacket she looked like a easy target for any sleaze, to steal from her, or for drunks or jerks to hit on her.]

Sailor Sun [Their was just enought light for checking numbers in the phone book]
Tokyo General Hospital....St. Cleare Hospital.... Come on their has to be other hospitals in this book. [She remembers what Jupiter and Moon told her] There must be another... wait here's one. [She writes down the number and then heads quikly out to the street, to the closest pay phone. She got in and quickly dialed the number, hoping no one would come out of the near by bar and used her last quarter.]

Voice on Phone
Hello, Bathers Care Center, How may I help you.

Sailor Sun
Hello, I'm looking for three girls, they would have been in just over a week ago.

Voice on Phone
O.k, mam. What's their names?

[A guy that came from the bar behind that was behind the phone booth comes out and sees Sun by the phone]

Guy [approaches Sun]
Hey, pretty lady, what's a good looking girl like yourself doing out at this time of night? [He places his arm around her shoulders. He was definely drink, she could smell the boos on his breath from a mile away.]

Sailor Sun [trying to ignore him]
Lita, Serena, and Mina. I don't know thier last names.

Guy [Whispers into Sun Ear]
How's about you come with me, I'll show you a good time.

Sailor Sun [turns and replies]
I'm kind of busy right now. And can you take your arm off of me.

Oh, sure. [he takes his arm off her and slaps his hand onto her butt.]

[Sailor Sun jumped, she was really mad about his actions, she started to turn and to deal with him, until she hear the voice on the phone again]

Voice on Phone
Sorry Mam, we don't have anyone here by that ... [the guy grabed the phone and hangs it up.]

Come on. You know you like it...

Sailor Sun
You know what I like... [ she elbows him in the stomic turns around his side, grabs one of his arms and lifts, forcing him to ran right into... through the window on the other side of the booth. He just layed their with boos and stomic acid coming out of his mouth.] I like being left alone. [she left and dubbled back around the block into her alley agian, too avoid being followed by the guy's buddies]

* * *
[Ami, Rei, Luna and Serena are at the temple talking]

We have to do somethiing about Lita.

What do you mean?

It's like she's just not all there, and I don't think it's about that animal thing.

I admit, she's been acting a little different, but...

A little different!? Ami, she hasn't said a thing to us, since our last battle, she's like a completely different person.

Serena, what do you think?

Serena [looking down kind of half in the duscussion]
I don't know... I don't think she want to be around us, maybe not even want to be a scout anymore.

Rei & Luna

Serena, what makes you think she doesn't want to be a scout?

Well, she's been leaving her tranformation pen at home alot, and, she didn't like the idea of Sailor Sun getting away from her...

We, can't assume that. She has to tell us. We have to confront her about it.

[The telephone rings just outside the room, Rei gets up to answer]

Rei's right we have to talk to her about, whatever's bothering her.

Rei [pops her head in the door]
Ami, it's your Mother.

Huh? She's never called me here before. [she gets up and gets the phone just outside] Hello... no, I'm O.K.... so are they, Serena is with me now, and I saw Mina less then a hour ago... Alright mom, I'll tell them. Bye. [ She hangs up and goes back in.]

What was that about?

Mom heard that someone's been calling all the hospitals in Toyko, asking for a Serena, Lita, and Mina.

It must be Sailor Sun!

I think so to, but my mother couldn't tell who it was, she only heard it second hand.

I think to be on the safe side, Serena, and the others should be watched, just incase Sailor Sun tries to...

I don't think she'll do anything... After all, she was fighting becouse she though the we, I mean the scouts beat us up.

Still, better be safe then sorry.

* * *
[Morning hits, Sun gets up from her corner in the alley and starts to head out to the street and away from this area. She looks into the window of a near by store at her reflection]

Sailor Sun
{"It's amazing, within two weeks, I don't look too dirty, I wonder..."}[ She suddenly hears some quite moving on the roof of a short building behind her] {"Odd, if I didn't know better I would say someone was following me."}

[Sun continues to walk, she enters a resedental area of town, right past a couple of dojo's suddenly she hears a womens voice.]

Ranma, you jerk!

[Sun turns her head to face towards the door of one of the dojos, looking in the direction the voice came from. Suddenly a stone come out and whacks Sun in the head. She falls down, out like a light. A girl comes running out of the dojo yelling back]

Come on Akane, I was only joking. Oufff, [Ranma tripped over Sailor Sun who was laying down in the enterance]

Akane [running out of the dojo sees Ranma laying over Sun's body]
Ranma! What are you doing?

[Ranma-chan gets up and looks down at Sun]

Ouch, Akane, I think you clobbered her in her head with your rock.


We should get her inside, and off the street. [Ranma-chan lifted her up with Akane's help and they both brought her into the dojo.]

[A dark figure is seen on top of the house across the street]

Dark Figure [in a gruesom voice]
Soon, soon she'll be ours.

* * *
[ Sun layed in the middle of the room with two girls, and three guys sitting around her.]

Ranma [a Guy]
...and that's what happened.

Mr. Tendo
Huh, huh, it's a good thing, you too brought her in here...

We should take off that hat she has, if were going to take care of her.

Bet she has a hung bump, ah, Akane?

Akane [getting angry at Ranma]
Ranma, shut-up! She would have never been hit, if you didn't...

Kasumi [while still preparing her medical kit]
Akane, Ranma, please... Ranma can you take off her hat.

Ah, sure thing. [Ranma remove her hat to not only see a BIG bump, but a tera.] What a sec. [He starts to lift up the front of her jacket before...]

Ranma, What are you doing?

Ranma [He continue's to finish his look]
Well, I'll be.. It looks like you not only nailed a person, but a sailor scout.


Look for yourself. She either a scout or justed dress like one.

Akane [she untied Sun's jacket and opened it up to see a hole scout uniform. Although she's never seen a scout up close, it was definely a scout.]
Oh, my...

Way it go, Akane...

A Sailor Scout...

Oh, my... We better place a ice pack on the bump.

[Kasumi continued on and shortly after placed a bandage around Sun's head. Unforutently they couldn't get off the terara so they had to bandage around it.]

We should place her in a bed.

Akane [trying to make admends]
She can use my room.

* * *
[Soon Sun woke up. She didn't have any idea where she was. She got out of bed and started to walk out of the room when she noticed the banages on her head. Akane opened the door, and it hit Sun (who was behind it) and forced her into the wall.]

Opps, no, Sorry.

Sailor Sun
Ouch, that's O.k.

My name's Akane...

Sailor Sun
Oh, my's... my name is... My name?

Are you O.k.?

Sailor Sun
I don't remember.

You don't remember if your O.k.?

Sailor Sun [starting to look paniced]
No, I don't remember my name, or anything for that matter!

* * *
[Ranma, the Tendo family, and Genma sit at in the dojo talking, concerned for their new guest]

Mr. Tendo
So she doesn't remember a thing.

Nothing... Not even her own name...

Man, Akane, when you throw something...

Ranma, shut up!

Well, you are the one who... [ suddenly Akane's fist plants it's self in Ranma's face, nocking him over.]

Well we have to do something.

Well, maybe she has somekind of id with her.

I doubt it. Did you see that get-up, did you see any pockets?

Well, we can't send her back out on the street.

Mr. Tendo
Akane's right... It wouldn't be right, a martial artist should help those in need.

Ranma [getting up]
Does anyone realise that we've taken in almost everyone that comes by...

And what do you recomend, RANMA?

We could just find the sailor scouts... They'll know who she is.

And how do we find them, look into a crystal ball? These girls spend their time fighting bad guys, like they have time to sit about answering the phone.

Where is she now anyway?

She's up stairs, taking a shower.

Mr. Tendo
Strange, I don't hear the water going.

I'll go up and make sure she's O.k.

* * *
[ Akane goes up to the washroom and knocks on the door.]

Is everything alright?

Sailor Sun [ talking through the door]
Not really...

Is their anything I can do?

Sailor Sun
Well, I'm tring to get out of this suit...

Akane [realising that she's having trouble, Akane opens the door and walks in, She sees Sun stuggling to take off her Sailor Suit, the only thing she has off is her shoes.]
Here let me give it a try. [ Akane looks for a zipper or buttons or anything to undo so she could remove the suit, while Sun stands their.] How do you get this thing on?

Sailor Sun
You don't know?

I don't see any zippers or anything...

Sailor Sun
Well it took me 15 minutes to get off the shoes. They were, like, stuck or something.

Akane [looks at the yellow dress shoes]
Really, they look nice... were they too small?

Sailor Sun
No, but... I don't know.. I just had trouble getting them off, like they didn't want to come off...

Akane [ She sits down and looks at the shoe]
I don't see why? [Akane put the shoe on] It actually kind of confortable [She put on the other one shoe and stood up] I wish I have a set of these [she said tring to help]

Sailor Sun
Now try to take them off! [ Akane sat back down and took one off with ease.]
I don't get it...

[She starts to try to take off her gloves and then a second later reachs for a locket under her uniform. She grabs the locket and it suddenly started to glow.... Soon her uniform started to have a yellowish glow to it, including the shoe Akane still had on... suddenly their was a flash of light and the shoe Akane had on turned into a sneaker, so did the other one, both sneakers seem kind of large for any girl. Akane looked up and instead of seeing the sailor scout she knocked in the head with a stone, a new, but somewhat familar girl stood before her... She wore big, bulky, dirty cloths that looked like they've been washed for weeks.. Akane looked back at the girl, same colour hair, same face (a little durtier though, height, complextion) Every charactisic matched the scout that was their five minutes ago. Then she noticed the locket hanging off of her neck. The same locket.]

Bay/Angie (Sailor Sun, female Brad, Brad-chan, What ever you want to call her.)
Oewww! [she said looking at herself. She didn't even know she was this dirty until now. She looked into the mirror in the bathroom and looked at her refection]

***** Editor's Note *****
In case your wondering, Bay is the name of Brad in female form. And Angie is the name that Bay will be given until her memories come back.


Uhh, is that you?

I think so... [Amazed at herself]

Here, [she hands Bay/Angie a towel] Take your shower, I'll try to find something for you to put on...

AH... Sure.

[Akane took off the other sneaker and left the bathroom, she went to her room and placed out a pile of her cloths on her bed.]

[Bay/Angie soon came in with a towel wraped around her. Hair dripping wet.]

Here, try on these.

[Bay/Angie looked at the cloths on picked up a skirt and a blouse, she put it on, but it was definly too big in the waist and the shirt was too small ... She tried one something else with the same results.]

I guess your a different size then me. Wait here. [ Akane left her room and then came back in with a arm full of cloths, Nabiki followed her] Her you go, I think these will fit.

Bay/Angie [ picked up a set of bright pink pants and a white shirt with the phrase Bay Bowling on the left side pocket. She put these on with no problem.. Perfect fit]
This fits pretty good. [She took some sneakers from the pile and put them on.. they fit as well]

Nabiki [she pulled out a pad of paper]
Well, a set of my pink pants sneakers, and a bowling shirt... That should come to about 2000 yen, who do I make the invoice out too?


Ok, so we'll settle the tab later. [ She left the room]

Actually, she does have a point, we have to call you something.

You got me! I haven't a clue to my name.

How about we call you ... Angie, until you get your memory back.

Uh, sure, but why Angie?

I don't know, it was really the first thing to come to mind.

Oh, sure, Angie will be fine, I guess.

Come-on, I'll introduce you to everyone.


Come On, [Akane grabs Angie's hand and both girls run out of the room and down the hall giggling]

* * *
[Soun Tendo sits by the table drinking his tea while Ranma and Genma practise outside. Akane and Angie enter the room and stand infornt of Mr. Tendo]

Mr. Tendo [looks up]
Akane, who's you friend?

Dad, this is the girl we helped....

Mr. Tendo [examines her more closely]
Well, she looks like a different person now, I guess the bath really helped.

Thank you Mr... Uh, I'm sorry, I don't...

Mr. Tendo
Well, then, I'm Soun Tendo.

Nice to meet you sir, you can call me ... Angie

Mr. Tendo
Ah, so you got your memory back?

Not really, we just picked a name until I get it back.

Mr. Tendo
Ah, very good. Well, you know Akane, and the two out there [He points out the door] practising are Genma Saotome and his son Ranma.

[Outside Ranma and Genma both repeatly jump over the little pond kicking each other at the apex of the jump. The three watch them for a second. Ganma oddly gets in a good hit, knocking Ranma's balance off as he lands on the other side of the pond, he falls back and lands into the water]

Ha, I guess he couldn't hold his own, [she then whipser to Akane] He's cute though... [Ranma-chan comes out of the pond] What the....

That was just a lucky shot old man.

What a minute, ah, Akane, am I seeing things, I mean...

It's a long story...

* * *
[ Akane explains the long story of how Ranma and his father fell to the jusenkyo curse, of when ever he's splached with cold water becomes a girl and his father a large panda, and hot is vica viera. She also told her of her engagement to him and his other 'friends'.]

Angie [with a confused look]
So, let me get this straight... Ranma's a girl or boy whatever... your support to marry him, but you don't like him... plus he has at least 2 other girls that WANT to marry him...

That pretty much sums it up.

So, Ranma's a boy that can turn into a girl, wierd... I mean that's just WIERD... That's hard to believe.

It's all true.

[Right at that moment a old man Happsai runs up to Angie's side]

I heard their was a new face around but I never knew she was so pretty. [Happy leads up aganist Angie]


* * *
[Later that day Akane and Angie are still tring to bring back Angie's memory]

You know Akane, I feel like going out...

Well, what do you want to do?

Want to going shopping?

Uh, Sure [It's been so long since Akane has been able to go out on a girl's shopping trip]

[The girls both leave to dojo too go on a short shopping trip... the figure still sits across the street]

Dark Figure [in another guesom voice]
One of them must be the scout... soon my love, soon.

* * *
[Soun Tendo and Genma are talking in the living room, when Kasumi comes up to them]

Kasumi [holding a set of cloths in her arms]
Father, I was doing the wash and I found this wallet in Angie's cloths.

Mr. Tendo
Good, we should give it back.

Who is she, Kasmui. Thier has to be some kind of Id in it.

Mr. Tendo
Yes, Kasumi, maybe we can get her home.

Well, that's the strange part father, the Id is for a boy who lives in Canada.

Mr. Tendo

Chapter One Finished.

I tried my best to keep up the traits of the characters from Ranma... but sometimes...Well, I hope it turned out well.

Noticed Angie acts more like a girl, with the lose of her memory... well duh! What did you expect? She has no idea she was a guy too. If she and Ranma only knew... well maybe next chapter.